Molecular Diagnostics Group

The Competence Network for Innovations in Precision Medicine

The Molecular Diagnostics Group (MDG) is the competence network of the biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies Biotype GmbH, ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH, and qualitype GmbH. These three high-tech companies combine their strengths within the MDG to develop customized, low-side-effect, and cost-effective diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for precision medicine and to promote their broad applicability.

Current Challenges

Advancements in healthcare are progressing rapidly. Over the past few decades, the average life expectancy has increased by approximately 20 years. However, with aging comes a rise in complex diseases such as cancer, posing significant challenges to society. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts a 77 percent increase in diagnosed cancer cases by 2050.

Therefore, early and precise diagnoses followed by effective and targeted therapies are crucial. Precision medicine, with its approach of personalized diagnostics and therapy for patients, offers great potential in this regard. However, making this widely available in routine practice is currently still very complex and expensive, significantly limiting access to precision medicine. The Molecular Diagnostics Group aims to change this with innovative developments in precision medicine.

Our Solutions

Together, our approximately 300 highly specialized employees work on innovative developments in precision medicine to make its groundbreaking applications accessible to as many patients as possible.

Specifically, our efforts focus on three key areas. First, we aim for maximum efficiency in molecular diagnostics. To achieve this, BIOTYPE has developed the MODAPLEX system, a laboratory device for the automated multi-gene analysis of molecular biomarker signatures. Second, with ROTOP Pharmaka, we pursue precise theranostics with radioisotopes, combining imaging diagnostics at the molecular level of a tumor with targeted therapy for those specific tumor cells. Third, qualitype focuses on consistent digitalization and data integration in healthcare.

You can learn more about our solutions in the accompanying video (to enable English subtitles, click the subtitle icon located at the bottom right corner) or read our latest press release.


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Dr. Wilhelm Zörgiebel
Dr. Wilhelm Zörgiebel
+49 351 8838 200
Dr. Timm Zörgiebel
Dr. Timm Zörgiebel
BIOTYPE / qualitype
+49 351 8838 2800
Jens Junker
Jens Junker
ROTOP Pharmaka
+49 351 26 310 0